Work in Progress (WIP) submissions are targeting contributions where no final results and final data are presented, but new ideas are sketched. Any proposal, yet potential new idea, is welcome!

These submissions are peer-evaluated and are published in the conference proceedings. The maximum number of pages of the original submission suggested is 4. It is suitable the final version keeps this length, upon acceptance; additional space is allowed to comply with reviewers' comments.

The accepted papers are scheduled for oral presentation in the program.

Submissions in this category are evaluated and accepted following the same procedures used for the regular papers, with the distinction that the reported results might not be final, up-front impressive, or showing advancing the state-of-the-art. However, a submission must be a witness of potential novelty and promising results.

It is assumed that a submission shows the intention that at least one author registers for the conference; ultimately, she/he makes the effort to present it. This is an important benefit of submitting a WIP contribution, as gathering the audience's observations and critiques will definitively consolidate the direction of the work.

Please submit the WIP contributions following the instructions for the regular submissions by using the "Submit a Paper" button on the conference site.

Once inside the submission system, make sure to select "work in progress" as the contribution type.

For any info: email:


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